December Newsletter

CONGRUENCE! It is the point where everything meets and aligns. Where your mind and body are working in harmony together to help you reach your desired outcomes... 


We are a few weeks away from closing the books on 2022! We wanted to make this newsletter special and share insights into how you can make your 2023 desired goals a reality.

Let's jump right into it.

Kinesics Monthly Segment

Do you observe? Can you notice? What difference does it make?

CONGRUENCE! It is the point where everything meets and aligns. Where your mind and body are working in harmony together to help you reach your desired outcomes.

As we are wrapping up another year, we naturally look back to reflect, notice and learn from what happened, and set goals for the coming new year.

The harsh reality is - most of us would enter the first month of the year feeling pumped, excited and motivated to go after our dreams BUT studies show that only about 9-12% percent of people are able to follow through with their resolutions! Most people find themselves slowly drifting away, going back to their comfort zones and to what is familiar already within the first quarter of the year. WOW, isn't this striking how we all dream, but so few of us actually reach our dreams?

Of course, goals can change and adapt, but more often than not, what fails our effort is the misalignment or, in other words - INCONGRUENCE.

Congruent - Similar to or in alignment with something, so that the two things can both exist or can be combined without problems. - Cambridge Dictionary (*Our goals are congruent; there is no conflict. * The congruence of the two systems.)

Don't we all want to be successful and see our dreams and goals come true? Then why do most people never get there? It's like Albert Einstein said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results," so what can we do differently this time?

Congruence's Role in a Pursuit of Your Goals

In order to achieve success, it's essential that your two sides of the brain work in congruence with each other. The Thinking and the Feeling must be aligned!

This means that your goals must be congruent with what you are thinking and what you are feeling.

For example, in communication being congruent means that the verbal and nonverbal communication are working in harmony together and delivering the same message - just like a perfect symphony. Because everything you're feeling shows up in your nonverbal communication, when our feelings are disconnected from our thinking, we can see that our words may communicate one message (for example, saying "YES") and our body - completely different one (for example, shaking "NO").

Same applies to our goal-setting! If you set a goal where you think this is the goal you want to reach but your feelings tell you otherwise, this may lead to you sabotaging yourself - before you even started. As if your thinking would be pulling you in one direction and your feelings - in another.

What do you think about yourself and your goal - and - how do you feel about yourself and your goal?

Our goals need to be created from a place of CONGRUENCY of the THINKING and FEELING - and that will help us to dance our way to success!

Without congruency it can be difficult to make your goals a reality. Here are a few tips on how you can become Congruent with your goals. 

On a quieter day, take some of time to do this exercise:

1. Do an audit of yourself: Without thinking about your goals, ask yourself these questions:

A) "If I had nothing stopping me, what do I FEEL I would love to achieve?" and "What is it that my heart wants the most?"

B) "If I think freely and have my ideas run free, what do I THINK will be my dream goal to achieve?"

Be honest with yourself about how you are feeling and what you are thinking. What came up for you? Was it the same or different?

2. Do an audit of your goals: Now, take a look at the goals you have set before you and scan them one by one. Are they congruent with what came up for you in the first exercise? Are the goals you set for yourself representing you - is that your true desired THINKING and desired FEELING? Or were your goals adopted from somewhere or someone else?

Scan your congruence between the thinking and feeling in each one of them and notice how you really feel and think. Are they congruent with how you feel? By doing this, you will be checking your blindspots and seeing where adjustments are necessary.

To be successful, the thinking and feeling have to constantly communicate with each other and be congruent - instead of fighting with each other pulling you into different directions and to two different outcomes.

When they are congruent, you create a powerful force within yourself that propels you towards success.

Let us know how you enjoyed this exercise! We would love to hear from you! Share with us your thoughts by replying back to this email.

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Communication Secrets Podcast  

Listen to our new episode with Dr. Irvine Nugent!

Communication Secrets is a business, leadership and communication podcast.

This episode explores what are the Communication fundamentals needed to be successful in business and leadership. 

Make sure to subscribe and follow the "Communication Secrets" podcast on your favourite streaming platform to get notified on new releases!

Sneak peek into the future: In the next episode, you will hear from a police detective about his outlook on nonverbal communication (exciting!) - make sure to subscribe to not miss this episode dropping.

OUR MISSION is to close the gap of what we were not taught in schools but are expected to know as we grow up!

Our Favorite Quote of the Month:

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